Shop Science Materials
Our science materials support learning scientific concepts in visual, hands-on ways.
Layers of the Sun 3-Part Information Cards
Emergent/Early reader
Progressing reader
Proficient reader
Layers of the Sun Chart
This sun chart shows the six layers of the sun. It also shows features of the sun including, sun spots, solar flares, and prominence. It can be used with the Layers of the Sun 3-Part Card Matching game and Quiz.
Phases of the Moon
These 3-part matching cards with quiz cards make learning the phases of the moon into a fun game! Children match the pictures and labels with the information cards. Control cards allow them to self-correct. The blank line information cards encourage mastery in the form of a self-quiz. Includes directions.
Phases of the Moon Chart
Planet Research Newspaper Report
Your child gets “the scoop” on the planets with these inspiring Planet Research Newspaper report forms. Use one, two, or all three pages depending on the amount of information gathered.