Academic Courses

Reach targeted instructional goals with our Montessori Academic Elementary Courses. Montessori’s multi-sensory approach to learning presents skills from concrete to abstract and promotes discovery with self-correcting materials.

Our courses provide guided modules, printable manipulative materials, easy-to-follow videos, step-by-step instructions, and built-in assessments to guide your child toward academic success.

Master Multiplication concepts and facts in as little as 15 minutes a day with multi-sensory Montessori  hands-on activities!

Easy-to-follow video lessons, games,  memorization strategies, interactive quizzes, and progress tracking guide your child to mastery of the Times Tables.

Includes a printable version of the Montessori Decanomial Bead Bar material!

The Universe Adventure Unit Study
Coming Soon!

Get ready for an adventure through the universe! We will visit the sun to discover what makes a star, investigate the moon and its phases, explore other planets, and look back through time at the formation of Earth. This Course includes the Montessori First Great Story.

The Montessori Difference

“The hand is the instrument of Intelligence. The child needs to manipulate objects and to gain experience by touching and handling."

Maria Montessori

"At some given moment it happens that the child becomes deeply interested in a piece of work; we see it in the expression on his face, his intense concentration, the devotion to the exercise."

Maria Montessori

"Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence ."

Maria Montessori

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